Bringing Back Summer Fan Favorite Pineapple Sour

LONE TREE, CO— Lone Tree Brew­ing Com­pa­ny brings a tast­ing room favorite, Pineap­ple Sour, back for the sec­ond year in cans. Pineap­ple Sour is now avail­able across Col­orado and in Kansas.

Pineap­ple Sour was the first canned release of the Branch­ing Out Series in 2019. It’s a sum­mer crush­er per­fect for all social-dis­tanc­ing out­door activ­i­ties includ­ing grilling, pic­nics, or enjoy­ing a cold bev­er­age in the dri­ve­way— six feet away from friends of course.

Pineap­ple Sour is a refresh­ing­ly crisp, ket­tle soured Blonde Ale with a sub­tle fruit fin­ish cre­at­ed by more than 300 pounds of pineap­ple added dur­ing fer­men­ta­tion. The pleas­ant tart­ness is approach­able and yields a low ABV of 4.5%, enough to sip all day.

Find six-packs of Pineap­ple Sour cans  for sale to-go at Lone Tree’s tast­ing room, and at liquor and gro­cery stores across Col­orado and Kansas. Con­tact Emi­ly Hut­to at for more infor­ma­tion or to con­nect with the brewery.

May 15, 2020

New LTBC tap room in Parker, Colorado

Our Parker outpost of Lone Tree Brewing is open in the former Barnett & Son Brewing Co. location at 18425 Pony Express Drive in Parker, Colorado!

Parker Taproom hours


11am -


2pm -


2pm -


12pm -


12pm -


12pm -


11am -