Lone Tree Brewing Cans Traditional Hefeweizen For Spring

LONE TREE, CO— Cans of Lone Tree Brew­ing Company’s new spring sea­son­al Hefeweizen are now avail­able across Col­orado and Kansas.

Lone Tree’s Head Brew­er Den­nis O’Harrow first intro­duced this recipe in the tast­ing room in 2020, and brought it back on tap last year to meet its pop­u­lar demand. This true-to-style, unfil­tered wheat ale pays homage to his days trav­el­ing in Munich— to that first Hefeweizen he had when he got off the plane.

Lone Tree Hefeweizen is brewed with Noble hops and wheat that impart hints of fruit and spice, and fer­ment­ed with Wei­hen­stephan yeast that adds tra­di­tion­al clove and banana notes. It hits the mark as a bright, easy drink­ing ale with 5.4 per­cent ABV– all of the essen­tials for the turn of the sea­son into spring.

Find Hefeweizen on tap at Lone Tree and in canned 6‑packs while sup­plies last.

Con­tact Emi­ly Hut­to at hutto@radcraftbeer.com with media inquiries about Lone Tree Brew­ing Co. Press assets are avail­able here.


Lone Tree Brew­ing Com­pa­ny was the first brew­ery to open in Lone Tree, Col­orado in Denver’s South Metro area in 2011, and has remained a local sta­ple for a decade. Lone Tree cre­ates com­mu­ni­ty around a styl­is­ti­cal­ly diverse line­up of flag­ship, sea­son­al, and lim­it­ed release beers that are sold in cans and on draft across Col­orado, and in select loca­tions in Kansas. Find the brew­ery online at lonetreebrewingco.com.

March 13, 2022

New LTBC tap room in Parker, Colorado

Our Parker outpost of Lone Tree Brewing is open in the former Barnett & Son Brewing Co. location at 18425 Pony Express Drive in Parker, Colorado!

Parker Taproom hours


11am -


2pm -


2pm -


12pm -


12pm -


12pm -


11am -