Lone Tree Brewing Company Unveils Fall Seasonals

LONE TREE, CO— Lone Tree Brew­ing Com­pa­ny wel­comes back sea­son­al favorites for the cool­er weath­er ahead. Pump­kin Ale, Pil­sner and Cran­ber­ry Sai­son will be avail­able on draft and in cans lat­er this month. Vanil­la Caramel Amber, an autum­nal beer that first made its debut two years ago, will also be ready for beer drinkers just in time for Labor Day fes­tiv­i­ties, and Fes­t­bier, a tra­di­tion­al Okto­ber­fest fes­ti­val beer will delight taste buds on Sep­tem­ber 14.

Our line­up of fall beer releas­es pro­vide a sub­tle twist on famil­iar fla­vors for the sea­son,” says Den­nis Stack, direc­tor of sales and mar­ket­ing at Lone Tree Brew­ing Com­pa­ny. “These beers, which are meant to be shared across the table with friends and fam­i­ly, are excel­lent pair­ings for fall favorites like pump­kin pie and pot roast”

At 6.4 per­cent ABV, Pump­kin Ale hits all the right notes for pump­kin beer lovers with 23 pounds of real pump­kin added per bar­rel as well as all­spice, vanil­la, nut­meg and cin­na­mon. Pump­kin Brew will be avail­able mid-August.

Com­ing out of Lone Tree’s Branch­ing Out series of small-batch, spe­cial­ty beers and hit­ting cans for the first time, Cran­ber­ry Sai­son is a Bel­gian-style farm­house ale that was aged with fresh cran­ber­ry puree. Effer­ves­cent and slight­ly tart, this deceiv­ing­ly drink­able 8.5 per­cent ABV beer is per­fect for sip­ping, long past the dog days of sum­mer and into autumn at the Thanks­giv­ing table. Cran­ber­ry Sai­son will be avail­able at the end of August.

A clas­sic through and through, Lone Tree’s Pil­sner has a bright, gold­en appear­ance and fin­ish­es with a dry and fruity hop note. At 5.8 per­cent ABV, Ger­man-style Pil­sner will also be avail­able at the end of August.

Vanil­la Caramel is a fan favorite that will be avail­able for fall and win­ter,” says Stack. “You’ll still enjoy this amber as we tran­si­tion from the warmer weath­er that can be typ­i­cal of Col­orado but the sweet vanil­la notes will pro­vide an invit­ing com­fort for cool­er nights ahead.”

Orig­i­nal­ly devel­oped on John Win­ter’s home­brew sys­tem, Vanil­la Caramel Amber is a 6 per­cent ABV gem cre­at­ed with crys­tal malt and Mada­gas­car vanil­la beans. The caramel notes in Vanil­la Caramel Amber come from a large amount of Crys­tal 60 malt in the grain bill— no oth­er caramel or oth­er sug­ar is added to this beer. The base beer is a tra­di­tion­al Amer­i­can Amber with a good help­ing of hops to bal­ance out the sweet­ness of the vanil­la. Vanil­la Caramel Amber will be avail­able in canned 6‑packs and on draft start­ing on Labor Day.

Lone Tree will be tap­ping Fes­t­bier, a full bod­ied tra­di­tion­al gold­en Okto­ber­fest lager that is crisp and refresh­ing. This high­ly drink­able 6.3 per­cent ABV beer will be avail­able on Sep­tem­ber 14 in con­junc­tion with Lone Tree’s annu­al Okto­ber­fest and Mar­ket fea­tur­ing over 16 local ven­dors, live pol­ka music and a stein hoist­ing contest.

Lone Tree Brewing’s fall sea­son­als will be avail­able on draft and in 6‑packs at Lone Tree’s tap­room, as well as with­in the brewery’s dis­tri­b­u­tion footprint.

For more infor­ma­tion about Lone Tree Brew­ing Com­pa­ny, con­tact chea@radcraftbeer.com.

August 22, 2019

New LTBC tap room in Parker, Colorado

Our Parker outpost of Lone Tree Brewing is open in the former Barnett & Son Brewing Co. location at 18425 Pony Express Drive in Parker, Colorado!

Parker Taproom hours


11am -


2pm -


2pm -


12pm -


12pm -


12pm -


11am -