Lone Tree Brewing Relaunches IPA

Lone Tree IPA cans go through the packaging line

LONE TREE, CO— In spring of 2020 Lone Tree Brew­ing intro­duced its first-ever year-round IPA. After a cou­ple of sea­sons of con­sumer feed­back, Lone Tree announces its relaunch with a refreshed recipe and nomenclature.

Lone Tree IPA fea­tures a blend of Cit­ra, Cas­cade, and Sim­coe hop addi­tions that cre­ate bold cit­rus aro­mas, mod­er­ate hop bit­ter­ness that’s been toned down from the first recipe, and a crisp finish.

We want­ed to cre­ate a West Coast-inspired IPA with just as much bold malt char­ac­ter as it boast­ed with hops,” says Lone Tree Brew­ing Sales & Mar­ket­ing Direc­tor Den­nis Stack. “Since the orig­i­nal release of this beer in spring, we’ve been tak­ing feed­back from our cus­tomers and tweak­ing accord­ing­ly. We’ve backed off on the use of high alpha hops to reduce bit­ter­ness, and we find this refreshed recipe to be just that: much more easy-drinking.”

While the can design won’t change much, the beer name will. “We want­ed to show that this new recipe is our flag­ship IPA, apt­ly named Lone Tree IPA,” Stack adds.

Stock the fridge with this high­ly drink­able India Pale Ale, now avail­able across Col­orado and in select loca­tions in Kansas in canned 12 oz. 6‑packs. Hop lovers can also find this beer on draft year-round in Lone Tree’s tast­ing room.

Con­tact Emi­ly Hut­to at hutto@radcraftbeer.com with media inquiries about Lone Tree Brew­ing Company.

November 9, 2020

New LTBC tap room in Parker, Colorado

Our Parker outpost of Lone Tree Brewing is open in the former Barnett & Son Brewing Co. location at 18425 Pony Express Drive in Parker, Colorado!

Parker Taproom hours


11am -


2pm -


2pm -


12pm -


12pm -


12pm -


11am -