Lone Tree Brewing Company Celebrates 10 Year Milestone

LONE TREE, CO– 4,000,000 cans pro­duced. 27,675 bar­rels of beer brewed. 1,705,476 pounds of grain and 36,000 pounds of hops used. Col­orado craft beer sta­ple Lone Tree Brew­ing Com­pa­ny is turn­ing ten this Decem­ber and cel­e­brat­ing all week­end long Decem­ber 10, 11 and 12.

When its doors opened in 2011 near Park Mead­ows Mall, Lone Tree was the very first brew­ery to call it’s name­sake, Lone Tree, Col­orado, home. Since then, they’ve poured and canned enough beer to fill 1.3 olympic swim­ming pools, and have grown along (and grown up) with the city of Lone Tree.

When we opened in 2011 we were the 115th brew­ery in Col­orado. I nev­er could have pre­dict­ed the explo­sion of open­ings from there,” says Lone Tree Founder John Win­ter. We’re very proud to be a part of the unprece­dent­ed growth of the craft beer cul­ture in the state.”

Lone Tree’s neigh­bor­hood-focused, fam­i­ly-friend­ly brew­ery and tast­ing room has been a craft mec­ca and meet­ing place for Col­oradans and out of town­ers alike for a decade, and will be the base camp for an anniver­sary week­end chock full of cel­e­bra­tion, music, food, spe­cial­ty swag, and most impor­tant­ly: lots of beer releases.

There will be one-time only glass­ware avail­able all week­end and guests can snag a 12oz glass with an event-spe­cif­ic cel­e­bra­to­ry mes­sage. And, if a glass isn’t enough Lone Tree merch, there will also be a few oth­er items and bonus anniver­sary week­end dis­counts for guests to enjoy.

Check out the weekend’s cal­en­dar below:


  • Food Truck: Big Stuff 

  • 10 beers for 10 years on the 10th! A mouth­ful, and a tour-de-force of Lone Tree’s favorite beers from over the years.

    • Lone Tree will be tap­ping a whop­ping two beers per hour, every hour, from 3–7pm

    • 3pm — Real ESB firkin’ & Sour Glit­tered Sour Straw­ber­ry Kiwi Firkin’

    • 4pm — Pineap­ple Habanero IPA Firkin’ & Grape­fruit DIPA

    • 5pm — Laven­der Hon­ey Cream Frikin’ & Mex­i­can Straw­ber­ry Mar­gari­ta Firkin’

    • 6pm — Orange Vanil­la Pale & Apple Pie Saison

    • 7pm — Irish Cream Blonde Stout & Rasp­ber­ry Pale

  • Com­e­dy Show


  • Food Truck: Schnitzel­wirt

  • Anoth­er day, anoth­er stacked line up of beers! Lone Tree will be can­ning Bar­rel Aged Impe­r­i­al Stout in 4‑packs start­ing at 11am, fol­lowed by a tap­ping of Wee Heavy at 2pm.

From 4pm‑4:30pm, they’ll be pulling the nails from their Rum bar­rels and offer­ing free sam­ples of Vanil­la Caramel Amber and Wee Heavy. Rumor has it, some­one may or may not be wear­ing a bar­rel costume.

  • San­ta Paws Meet & Greet Pho­to Shoot in the West Wing

    • Big Dogs Huge Paws are show­ing up with San­ta & Ms.Claus to join the cel­e­bra­tion, and add some fes­tive flair. It’s the per­fect pho­to op to start off the hol­i­day season.


  • It wouldn’t be a craft beer Sun­day with­out an ear­ly 10am open­ing and plen­ty of break­fast themed brews, plus some added Blue­grass jams. Join Lone Tree on their final day of cel­e­bra­tion for beer­mosas, bloody beers and blue­grass from the Ghost Town Drifters.

  • Lone Tree is fin­ish­ing out strong with 3 deli­cious beer tappings.

    • 12pm- Bel­gian Blonde & Bananas Fos­ter Hefe

    • 2pm — Impe­r­i­al Peach­es and Cream & Cran­ber­ry Saison

    • 4pm — Pep­per­mint Brown & Win­ter Warmer

  • Just in case you missed it, the San­ta Paws Meet & Greet Pho­to Shoot with Big Dogs Huge Paws will be back again for round two from 12–3pm.

You only turn 10 once, and Lone Tree intends to cel­e­brate and com­mem­o­rate that mile­stone with an epic week­end focused on what they’ve built a decade-strong busi­ness around: well craft­ed and deli­cious beer.

December 3, 2021

New LTBC tap room in Parker, Colorado

Our Parker outpost of Lone Tree Brewing is open in the former Barnett & Son Brewing Co. location at 18425 Pony Express Drive in Parker, Colorado!

Parker Taproom hours


11am -


2pm -


2pm -


12pm -


12pm -


12pm -


11am -