Lone Tree Brewing To Release Mustard Style Rye With Kiki’s Spreads At Fifth Annual Fall Market

LONE TREE, CO— Lone Tree Brew­ing will host their fifth Annu­al Fall Mar­ket on Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 16 from 11am to 4pm. They will release a col­lab­o­ra­tion beer with one of the mar­ket ven­dors, Kiki’s Spreads, to mark the occasion.

Not only boast­ing Lone Tree’s usu­al deli­cious brews and relaxed brew­ery atmos­phere, this event offers guests an out­door art and craft mar­ket in the brew­ery park­ing lot. A wide vari­ety of local ven­dors will be present, and every­thing from hand­made soaps to local meat and pro­duce will be avail­able for perus­ing and pur­chase while guests sip on the fresh­ly tapped Rye So Flustered.

While beer mus­tard can be picked up at just about any gro­cery store, mus­tard beer is much hard­er to find. Enter: Rye So Flus­tered, a rye beer brewed with four whole jars of Kiki’s Orig­i­nal Chick­pea Mus­tard Spread (one in the mash, anoth­er in the boil, and the last two dur­ing fer­men­ta­tion), this beer is light bod­ied and dry fin­ish­ing. The sub­tle spice of the rye blends beau­ti­ful­ly with the tangy mus­tard kick from Kiki’s and added mus­tard seed and corian­der. Its dis­tinc­tive fla­vor is a per­fect match for brows­ing the local mar­kets in the ear­ly fall weather.

Kiki’s Spreads will also be present and offer­ing sam­ples of their chick­pea spreads, along with tents from Two Ravens Soap, Light Pro­vi­sions, Moun­tain Gypsea, Gyp­sy Souls, Wood­en That Be Nice, 5280 Can Art, Burly­man Wood­works, LLC, Catel­li­er Made Leather, Spooky Bat Designs, Pop­py Col­or­ful Art, J.A.D.E. Heal­ing, Broth­er Mel’s BBQ, and laserlab.io.

The Mac N Noo­dles food truck will also be on site, pro­vid­ing guests with a diverse menu of arti­san craft­ed mac­a­roni and cheese.

October 6, 2021

New LTBC tap room in Parker, Colorado

Our Parker outpost of Lone Tree Brewing is open in the former Barnett & Son Brewing Co. location at 18425 Pony Express Drive in Parker, Colorado!

Parker Taproom hours


11am -


2pm -


2pm -


12pm -


12pm -


12pm -


11am -