Lone Tree Brewing Company Debuts Hazy IPA In Rotating IPA Series

LONE TREE, CO— Con­tin­u­ing their quest to pro­vide diverse options in the IPA cat­e­go­ry, Lone Tree Brew­ing Com­pa­ny will release Hazy IPA just in time for the Great Amer­i­can Beer Fes­ti­val®. Ear­li­er this year, Lone Tree released a Tart IPA and a sin­gle-hop IPA fea­tur­ing Cen­ten­ni­al. Hazy IPA is the next evo­lu­tion in the Hop­py Lit­tle Trees Project, Lone Tree’s year-round fresh rotat­ing IPA series.

The Hop­py Lit­tle Trees Project allows us to not only exper­i­ment with ever-chang­ing beer trends, but it also gives us rea­son to cre­ate IPAs that we enjoy drink­ing!” says Den­nis Stack, Direc­tor of Sales and Mar­ket­ing at Lone Tree Brew­ing Company.

At 6.5 per­cent ABV, Hazy IPA fea­tures Aza­c­ca hops and oth­er spe­cial­ty blends that min­gle with

Amar­il­lo and Huell Mel­on hops to pro­vide a strong, hop aro­ma and a slight bit­ter­ness. An addi­tion­al dry-hop­ping of Motue­ka pro­vides notes of trop­i­cal fruit.

Hazy IPA is a lim­it­ed offer­ing that will be avail­able on draft and in canned 6‑packs across Lone Tree Brewing’s dis­tri­b­u­tion foot­print at the end of this month while sup­plies last.

We’re thrilled to release a style that we’ve nev­er pack­aged before!” says Stack. “Grab a fresh 6‑pack of Hazy IPA and enjoy it with friends.”

For more infor­ma­tion about Lone Tree Brew­ing Com­pa­ny or the Hop­py Lit­tle Trees Project, con­tact Chea Franz at chea@radcraftbeer.com.


Lone Tree Brew­ing Com­pa­ny was the first brew­ery in Lone Tree, Col­orado that opened near Park Mead­ows Mall in 2011. The neigh­bor­hood-focused, fam­i­ly-friend­ly brew­ery and tast­ing room reg­u­lar­ly hosts com­mu­ni­ty events that gath­er around a styl­is­ti­cal­ly diverse line­up of flag­ship, sea­son­al, and lim­it­ed release beers. Lone Tree’s cans are sold across the state of Col­orado, and in select loca­tions in Kansas. Its draft beer is poured at many bars and restau­rants across its dis­tri­b­u­tion foot­print as well. Find the brew­ery online at lonetreebrewingco.com.

September 24, 2019

New LTBC tap room in Parker, Colorado

Our Parker outpost of Lone Tree Brewing is open in the former Barnett & Son Brewing Co. location at 18425 Pony Express Drive in Parker, Colorado!

Parker Taproom hours


11am -


2pm -


2pm -


12pm -


12pm -


12pm -


11am -