Lone Tree Brewing Company Hires Dennis O’Harrow As New Head Brewer

LONE TREE, CO— Lone Tree Brew­ing Com­pa­ny has tapped Den­nis O’Harrow as their Head Brew­er; O’Harrow will start on Octo­ber 21. O’Harrow was pre­vi­ous­ly the C.B. & Potts Rocky Moun­tain region­al brew­ery leader where he man­aged brew­ing oper­a­tions for brew­ery loca­tions across Col­orado, after his head brew­er posi­tion at Arva­da Beer Com­pa­ny. O’Harrow brings near­ly 20 years of brew­ing prowess to the already stel­lar beer pro­gram at Lone Tree.

I love the craft cul­ture that Lone Tree has cre­at­ed in our indus­try. They are at the fore­front of new styles and cre­ativ­i­ty, and the entire staff is not only knowl­edge­able but incred­i­bly pas­sion­ate,” says Den­nis O’Harrow, new Head Brew­er at Lone Tree Brew­ing Company.

Going for­ward, O’Harrow plans to con­tin­ue to cul­ti­vate Lone Tree’s qual­i­ty craft beers as well as bring along some new recipes that he has worked on in the past.

C.B. & Potts is a high­ly dec­o­rat­ed brew­ery with acco­lades from a vari­ety of esteemed insti­tu­tions, and Den­nis was a huge part of that. We’re thrilled to wel­come Den­nis and his breadth of expe­ri­ence to con­tin­ue to ele­vate Lone Tree’s award-win­ning beer pro­gram,” says John Win­ter, Pres­i­dent at Lone Tree Brew­ing Company.

For more infor­ma­tion about Lone Tree Brew­ing Com­pa­ny or their new Head Brew­er, con­tact Chea Franz at chea@radcraftbeer.com.


Lone Tree Brew­ing Com­pa­ny was the first brew­ery in Lone Tree, Col­orado that opened near Park Mead­ows Mall in 2011. The neigh­bor­hood-focused, fam­i­ly-friend­ly brew­ery and tast­ing room reg­u­lar­ly hosts com­mu­ni­ty events that gath­er around a styl­is­ti­cal­ly diverse line­up of flag­ship, sea­son­al, and lim­it­ed release beers. Lone Tree’s cans are sold across the state of Col­orado, and in select loca­tions in Kansas. Its draft beer is poured at many bars and restau­rants across its dis­tri­b­u­tion foot­print as well. Find the brew­ery online at lonetreebrewingco.com.

September 26, 2019

New LTBC tap room in Parker, Colorado

Our Parker outpost of Lone Tree Brewing is open in the former Barnett & Son Brewing Co. location at 18425 Pony Express Drive in Parker, Colorado!

Parker Taproom hours


11am -


2pm -


2pm -


12pm -


12pm -


12pm -


11am -